Sending and Receiving Copyrighted Work Over Computer Networks 1. The present copyright law in Japan states that when someone other than the creator, sends an artist's work to the public via computer network,they must get the creator's permission (or that of whoever holds the copyright). But the law is vague about whether that permission is needed if the work is being made available to a limited audience. a.Do you think it's necessary for you to get the creator's permission (or that of the copyright holder) even if you're sending the work to a small audience? (Choose one)
b.If you choose "2" in question #a, please choose from the list below which you consider to be private use, i.e., use you're entitled to without the creator's permission.
c..If you have indicated in the question above that you believe that you do have to obtain an artist's permission to send their work public (even to limited audience), how do you feel about sending over digital communication networks.How do you feel about sending it over a computer network, such as the Internet? Would this reduce one of the biggest advantages of networks -- the free flow of information ? Some people insist that -- for this reason, an artist's permission needn't be required. They argue that instead, the system should be set up for a royalty based system -- that the artist just collect royalties for work put up on the internet. Please indicate how you feel about this.
Copyright itself has two functions. It protects the rights of the creator of an original work (i.e., artists). And it protects the rights of those who invest in a creative work (i.e., music corporations, film producers, etc.) In the business world, the latter protection is the one often emphasized. In considering the right to send work over a computer network, which rights should get preference?
3.If an artist makes his/her own work public via the Internet, do you think that you should be able to copy, modify, or send that work out without the artist's permission? Please choose any of of the items below that you feel you can do without the artist's permission.
The present copyright law was designed with existing mass media and distribution networks in mind. As it works now, whoever distributes an artist's work (publishing company, tv station) has to get the artist's permission in a signed contract and pay a fee. But copyright law is silent regarding those who purchase and enjoy the work. They just have to pay the price to enjoy it. In contrast, now users of the Internet can easily access artists' work without making any payment so some people argue that users get an artist's permission to aceess their work. Do you agree (Choose one.)
Copy of Original Work 5.Under present copyright law in Japan, people can copy an artist's original work without permission only for your private use. a.Considering that now digital technology enables us to endlessly copy original work should that rule be amended?
b.If you chose (1) in question a, please indicate from the list below which you consider to describe "private use." (Multiple choice is acceptable)
Modification of an Original Work There are predictions that in the future, advancements in digital technology will enable anyone to modify an artist's original work and thus create a "new" work. If you did this, to what extent do you think you should get the artist's permission? Choose any from the list below of circumstances you feel in which the modification can be done without the permission of the artist. (multiple choice)
Present coyright law in Japan gives the artist the right to prohibit anyone from modifying his/her work, if the modification violates the artist's intention. Some people claim that this hampers the popularization of use of the Internet. How do you feel? (Choose one)
Others 8.Recently corporations have begun collecting the vast storehouse of artistic masterpieces from the ages and setting up enterprises converting this analog art into a digitalized format. Since the act of digitizing analog art is just a form of reproduction anyone who does is not protected by present copyright law. But the digitizing requires an incredible financial investment and if digitalized art is made available on a network that everyone has free access too, then the party that invested in this proccess could be subject to very large losses. Therefore, some insist that it is necessary to give these investors the right of approval for the distribution and usage of their digitalized artworks. Please indicate below how you feel about this.